Home Evergreen Trees How to Grow Green Giant Arborvitae

How to Grow Green Giant Arborvitae

We love the beauty of the Green Giant Arborvitae. If you ever wanted to know How to Grow Green Giant Arborvitae at the desired growth rate of three feet per year, in this article, I will show you how. This Majestic plant, also known as the Thuja Green Giant is a hardy tree that can give you a year-round color of green leaves, and good growth. It can grow up to three feet a year until it matures provided the right growing conditions. You will not need to prune or trim them regularly because they are large, thick, and grow in columnar shapes all the time. Their small- scale like shiny leaves are securely packed together, making a fan of rich green leaves in spring and summer and a dark, bronzer shade in winter. Planting the Green Giant Arborvitae is a simple task. You can either plant them individually or in groups to build a dense hedge. For the best experience, the tree can be planted every 5-6 feet to build a natural fence, screen from busy roads, unsightly views and your own space secluded from neighbors. Two rows of tumbling trees separated by 10 feet is best way to help reduce noise.

How to Plant Green Giant Arborvitae

If you are anything like me, you will want to get your trees small, maybe not as small as we got them. But it is truly rewarding to see these trees grow from nothing to impressive privacy borders. The good news is, Green Giant Arborvitae can planted at any time of the year, but as always, the best time is spring or fall when the weather is cool but not cold. We planted our Green Giants in June when temperatures that summer reached triple digits. If the soil in your area is too compacted, you should consider plowing before digging each planting hole(s), or dig up holes three times as wide as the root ball instead of usual recommendation of twice as wide, and fill with rich gardening soil for improved root growth.

How to perfectly measure distance between each planting hole

Measuring perfect distance of lets say 6 feet between each planting hole, is quite simple. You can measure and cut a 6 foot measuring stick out of a PVC pipe, or a long piece of wood. Simply place the stick on the ground and insert a garden flag on each end, then continue till you have the number of planting holes desired.

Separating the pot from the plant

Before pulling out the young plant from the nursery pot, it is best to soak it in water so that the Green Giant can easily get pulled out from the pot. Place the pot on its side and gently slide the root ball out. If the plant is still attached, you can cut the nursery planter to help slide it off easier. Gently remove some of the roots from the sides and then drag them out.

Root Pruning

It should not be necessary to prune any roots unless they are damaged all over the pot. In this case, the rooted roots should be shortened so that when they are in the soil they grow out and do not continue to grow in a circle. Pull the hole twice as wide as and slightly deeper than the bowl, the Green Giant enters.

Prepping the planting holes

You should fill the bottom of the hole with Black Kow Composted Cow Manure or other similar high nutrient soil. I also like to throw in a handful of Organic Holly Tone Evergreen on the bottom. Place soil in the middle of the hole, about 3-6 inches high, and position the roots of the root layer on top of the mound. Continue filling the hole all around and to the top until it is completely filled. Water it down with a hose so the soil settles. Add additional soil if necessary. Once the water has drained out, adjust the depth of the stem if necessary and fill the hole. Gently touch the top of the soil around the root ball down with your hands to make sure there are no pockets in the air near the roots of the plants.

Final Touches

Add 2 to 4 inches of mulch around the trunk of the plant to maintain moisture. cover over the root area and beyond to help trap soil moisture and prevent weed growth. You can use hay, pine needles, grass, bark, leaves or logs, lumps of grass, or compost. Keep the mulch 3-4 inches out of the stem.

How Often to Water the Green Giant?

Strict watering schedule is key here. It is best to water every two to three days for the first 3 months. After that, they should get one inch of water every week or ten days. If you have extreme heat and dry spells, or if your soil is very sandy, you should continue a more frequent schedule. Once the trees are well rooted, which takes one full year, your Green Giants will be able to withstand drought due to their established deep root system. Each tree will need about an inch of water, either rain or irrigation, every two weeks. Renew the mulch layer as needed to protect the roots from freezing, or heat and weed control. Use organic mulch to decompose and add nutrients to the soil. Make an effort to keep the mulch 3-6 inches deep around the tree at all times, but keep it a few inches from the trunk itself.

How to Care for Green Giant Arborvitae

With a little TLC, you will have a successful thuja tree in your area right away. These trees grow well and begin to expand as soon as they are planted. Start a fertilizing schedule every 30 days. I highly recommend Organic Holly Tone Evergreen, which can be purchased online or at your local Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, or pretty much any plant nursery.

Annual Green Giant Arborvitae fertilizing schedule

Starting in March. simply top each Green Giant with Black Kow Composted Cow Manure and a handful of Organic Holly Tone Evergreen fertilizer and water right away each spring. Continue fertilizing every 30 days. With this strict fertilizing schedule, your trees are guaranteed to grow 3 to 5 feet per year. Not only they will be taller, but they will also be thick and lush. Click here to see my Green Giant Arborvitae story.

Pruning of the Green Giant Arborvitae

Without being cut down, Thuja ‘Green Giant’ will thrive in a beautiful pyramidal shape with leaves that remain dense to the ground. After the first year of growth, the trees may be pruned to suit your needs.

Green Giant Arborvitae characteristics:

• Will grow up to 3′ to 5′ per year until maturity. • Somewhat dark in winter. • Requires little or no pruning but can be easily trimmed if necessary. • Should be planted 5 to 6 feet away from a screen or fence and 5 to 6 feet apart. • Has no serious problems with insects. • Incorporates small, shiny leaves that are packed together in rows on separate branches, indicated by a flat, fan-like spray. • Produces 1/2 “long round lumps that appear green in summer and turn brown in winter. • Extract the aroma when the leaves are square • Bear air once established and resists heavy snow or ice, making it a great way to get a fast-growing windbreak. • It grows in the shape of a pyramid.

Final Thoughts

The Great Giant Arborvitae comes with great features that will help you save money and time because they do not have to be constantly pruned, and can be grown in moist and well-drained soil. They are really attractive and can add beauty to your home and surroundings. You will have great views with your beautiful Great Giant Arborvitae trees wherever you decide to plant them, now all you have to do is give these babies a shot. I hope this was a helpful read, please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below.
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