Home Houseplants Best Plants for Kids – A Top 10 List

Best Plants for Kids – A Top 10 List


Welcome to the wonderful world of gardening with kids! In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 plants that are not only child-friendly but also educational and incredibly fun. Gardening is a fantastic way to introduce children to nature, teach them responsibility, and foster a lifelong love for the green world. Let’s dive into our top picks for the best plants for kids!

Best Plants for Kids #1 Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Kids love the ponytail palm’s unique look, which resembles a foot with green fronds sprouting from the top. The uncanny resemblance to a foot is why you will also see this curious-looking palm referred to as the Elephant’s foot.

The ponytail palm can tolerate drought, thrives in low-light conditions, and is pest resistant – all features which make it an excellent choice for adding a splash of green and a taste of the exotic to your child’s bedroom.

As it age, the trunk (or foot) grows significantly taller, which makes the palm look more like a small tree – think willow tree in a container.

Best Plants for Kids #2 Lithops Marmorata (Living Stones)

Lithops are small succulents that resemble colored pebbles, so they are sure to be a favorite addition to your child’s bedroom.

They grow well indoors in small pots and are available in a range of colors. Many feature weird and interesting patterns to create an even more exciting display.

They are native to arid climates in southern Africa, where their appearance helps them blend into the landscape so the local wildlife doesn’t make a meal of them. Their name comes from Ancient Greek, which translates to stone face.

Grow lithops in a well-drained pot while ensuring the main body is well covered with soil. They need quite a bit of light, so a sunny window that receives morning to midday sun will be ideal. It’s critical not to overwater lithops as the leaves can swell and kill the plant.

Best Plants for Kids #3 Haworthia Succulent (Haworthia species)

Haworthia succulents are small succulent plants available in a range of exciting shapes, colors, and patterns. Get your child to choose their favorite variety.

They are small, easy-care plants that like a lot of bright light but not direct sunlight. You will usually find these succulents thriving in the shade of a rock, shrub, or log when out in the garden, but they also grow well in pots indoors.

Be careful about watering, as too much can cause root rot. In general, the species is tolerant to going a few weeks without water, and they prefer well-drained soil.

Best Plants for Kids #4 Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

The Chinese money plant is an exotic-looking specimen from the southwestern Yunnan province of China.

The flat roundish leaves resemble coins to many, but you may also see it referred to as the pancake plant due to the leaves also resembling the shape of the popular breakfast staple.

The leaves hang from delicate stems and develop an enchanting bobbing motion when exposed to the slightest breeze.

Grow these delightful plants in well-draining potting soil and only water when the soil is dry.

Best Plants for Kids #5 Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Kids love air plants because they grow in the air, and what kid won’t love a plant that doesn’t need any soil to grow.

Air plants grow roots, but it’s only to anchor themselves to a location, such as a branch.

The plants get all the sustenance they need from air and light, so a well-lit room with good airflow is critical to their good health. Avoid placing them in front of a window where they might receive too much direct sun.

Keep them away from air conditioning vents as they won’t like cold drafts. Give your air plant a light spritzing from a spray bottle every couple of days during warm weather and at least once a week during winter.

Best Plants for Kids #6 Zebra Plant (Haworthia fasciata)

A zebra plant is a common household plant that is perfect for children learning about plant care. They can thrive indoors and are easy to propagate.

The zebra plant features fascinating white stripes on its plump rosette-forming leaves. They will typically grow to a height of around 5-inches, but it will take a long time for them to get there.

Like other succulents, place the plant in a brightly lit room away from direct sunlight. Ensure adequate moisture during summer and keep it relatively dry during winter.

Best Plants for Kids #7 Ceropegia Woodii (String Of Hearts)

The string of hearts is a small, delicate plant that is tougher than it looks and super easy to look after.

You may also see it listed as rosary vine or sweetheart vine due to the marbled, heart shaped leaves growing from string-like stems.

The string of hearts is a nice-looking hanging plant that will look great when the leaves overflow and cascade down the sides of a bookcase or overflowing a hanging pot.

They are a diminutive plant, so make a good choice for small corners that other plants would overcrowd.

Because of their semi-succulent nature, they are easy to care for, which is handy for children who may not be able to reach them conveniently.

Place in indirect, bright light and let the soil dry between waterings.

Best Plants for Kids #8 Chlorophytum Comosum (Spider Plant)

The long slender dark green leaves of the spider plant feature a creamy green stripe down the middle to form a spectacular display as they arch up and hang over the tops of their containers.

The spider plant also produces long offshoots, with each one supporting clusters of new baby spider plants that hang 2 or 3 feet down from the main plant. You can use the baby spider plants to grow new plants or leave them as decoration.

They make a fantastic hanging plant you can grow in a pot, but they are also an attractive addition to a high shelf or bookcase in a kid’s room.

Spider plants prefer low or indirect light in light, well-draining soil. Soil should be kept moist during the warm season, but only water when the soil is dry in the colder months.

Best Plants for Kids #9 Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana)

It’s hard to go wrong with lucky bamboo. Place it in a pot with water, and it’s good to go. Use a clear vase for the visual effect provided by the roots of the plant. All you need is enough water to cover the roots and be sure to change it regularly.

Lucky bamboo gets its name because it’s considered lucky and is a popular addition to rooms that adhere to the design principles prescribed by feng-shui.

The plant is not actually bamboo but belongs to the lily family and is found natively in Africa and Southeast Asia’s tropical rainforests.

Place in bright but indirect light. Keep it away from windows that receive direct sunlight because it will burn, and use distilled or purified water that doesn’t contain additives like chlorine.

Best Plants for Kids #10 African Violet (Saintpaulia)

The African violet produces stunning blue to purple flowers and soft fuzzy leaves that kids will love to touch.

It’s a delicate-looking plant that is surprisingly robust, which makes it a popular indoor plant often found in bathrooms all over the world.

It’s not a difficult plant to care for, and older kids will appreciate its contrasting brightly colored flowers against the backdrop of dark green leaves.

Place African violets in a well-lit location away from direct light. To water, place the pot on a planter tray with water and allow it to soak up from the bottom. Repeat only when the soil is dry to the touch.

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